Los Angeles Spotlight: Cici the Floss Boss Takes Center Stage
Model @cicioffici.al
This was from a mansion shoot we did last year. It was a group shoot event and was not sure who was going to be attending. But just before the day was about to end I heard a familiar voice, and to my surprise I find out its Cici. Once we locked eyes we both said yes’ we definitely need to shoot together. So immediately we started setting up, she got in her biking, and we just went for it. Time was ticking since the event was almost about to end, but with Cici being such a veteran and being super comfortable we took this one out of the park. Not only does Cici have a great physique to work with, she’s also very talented when it comes to posing and sharing new innovative ideas. She very fun and quirky to shoot with but also very serious when she needs to be. She is a model that will understand a photographers vision and try her very best to execute it with you. Such an amazing model to have the opportunity to work with.
Camera Tech: Canon 6D
Sigma 35mm
36in Octobox with Alienbee4
This one was tricky stylistically because I had to control how my flash would interact with the lights from the garage. But also dealing with how the light or my flash would fall off onto the car apart from the exposure I add onto the model. Shooting with cars is sometimes tricky but very fun when done right. Plus the pressure of having to do this on a whim definitely had me on edge while shooting this. I really love how the colors came out specially after post. I had to desaturate the yellows due to the garage lights. I also calibrated my colors since shooting in the garage gave me more green and yellow tints. Once I was able to color correct it I masked some of the background to deal more with the yellow from the garage lights. Even though this was tricky technically while shooting, I felt most of the challenges was color correcting so I definitely had to be patient on this one, but totally worth it.